But this one is sponsored.
SeaMonkeyGeek.blogspot.com is my new blog and it's sponsored by www.Sea-Monkey.com, meaning they are sending me all kinds of Sea Monkey goodies and feeding my Sea Monkey habit.
It's like Ron Jeremy getting sponsored by Pfizer or something.
Stoked. Looking forward to tons of free stuff.
Oh yea first you start one blog then another what the hell am I gonna do now read all the god dam blogs?
want are you mark twain or something?
By the way I don't know if you heard but freakin sea monkeys don’t existed their a are a hybrid of Artemia salina, a species of brine shrimp, Its a sea coackroach man your breading them in your kitchen man I know your up to some kind of sea monkey thing.
I got my eye on you brother better not try any sea monkey voodoo crap on me I don't believe in that shit and just take you skinny ass sea monkeys back were they came from the ocean were they belong.
Happy sails
Yeah, me an my sea monkey army gonna rule this town.
A professional blogger, how quaint. Your mother must be so proud.
An anonymous and I must say rather generic internet heckler. You're mother would probably not be too impressed. But I am. Please know, I am.
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